Monday, February 14, 2011

Quick pressure cooked hummus

In keeping with my 'do it quick but do it cheap' theme I'm going to share with you a favorite recipe of mine: Hummus.  It's quick, it's easy, and it is cheap.

In keeping with my 'cheap' theme, here's a tip:  Shop around, when convenient, for prices on dried beans/peas.  I find my local supermarket has them for about double what a local health food store charges.

Now, for the directions.


1 cup chick peas
1/2 tablespoon cumin
1 tablespoon salt
1/2 cup olive oil

First, check the chickpeas for foreign objects.  All you have to do for this is put them in a bowl, pour water on them, then move them around with your hands or a spoon.  Any dirt should dissolve, and stones should (hopefully!) sink.  Keep your eyes open!

Add the chickpeas to the pressure cooker, with 4 cups of water.  Close the lid, lock in place, and bring to pressure according to your particular cooker's instruction manual.  Turn down the heat and cook for 50 minutes or so, adjusting the heat to maintain even pressure.  Release the pressure rapidly (as per your cooker's manual), or set to one sit and let it release naturally.

Pour off the water, retaining a cup or 2 in a bowl.  Using:  a) an immersion blender b) a potato masher or c) placing the beans in a food processor, process them until they are a smooth consistency.  Next, add the cumin, salt, and olive oil -- as well as garlic, lemon juice, or anything else to taste.

Serve with some of the gluten free white rice bread, rice, rice cakes, and a salad.

It DOES take 50 minutes for the beans to cook BUT:

1.  You can double this recipe and eat it for quite some time.
2.  For the 50 minutes it is cooking you need to be aware of the pressure cooker but not otherwise involved.
3.  It is tasty.

You can also use 2 cans of pre-made chickpeas, which will make it even easier.



  1. This is so absolutely fabulous. And it's so easy, too. I'm going to serve it along with a Salade Nicoise on gluten free english muffins.

  2. Patrick, let me know how it turns out! Thanks.

  3. The hummus on the GF English muffins was a smashing success. They toast up well and the little "nooks and crannies" hold the hummus in place. MMMMM.
